• Falciferous


    • RP enPR: fălsĭʹfÉ™rÉ™s, IPA: /fælˈsɪfəɹəs/


    Latin falc- (stem of falx, “sickle”) + English -i- + -ferous("-bearing")

    Full definition of falciferous



    1. (rare) Sickle-bearing.
      • 1856: The Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, volume 12, page 306The stinted growth of the stationary Conchifera forms a striking contrast with the size and number of the Cephalopoda interred with them in the same bed; in fact the dawning existence of these Conchifera appears to have been a struggle for life, whilst the conditions of the closing scene of the Belemnites, Nautili, and falciferous Ammonites, were favourable to their continuance in time, but abruptly brought to a termination by some great physical change which took place about the commencement of the deposition of the oolitic formations.
      • 1871: John Phillips, Geology of Oxford and the Valley of the Thames, page 132 (Clarendon Press)The third group is continued into the sands which cap the upper lias, and into strata a little above them, which constitute the lower part of the inferior oolite of Dundry. Even in the Stonesfield slate we find falciferous ammonites.
      • 1875: The Annals and Magazine of Natural History: Zoology, Botany, and Geology, page 33More or less falciferous — that is, united to t’ shaft by an arched web-like expansion. Separate or webbed together umbrella-like.
      • 1895: Geologists’ Association, Proceedings, volume 13, page 37This form of suture is seen even in the falciferous Ammonites of the Cretaceous, which can scarcely perhaps, be genetically connected with …
      • 1920: Imperial Bureau of Entomology, The Review of Applied Entomology: Agricultural, volume VIII, page 212 (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux)… (oblong scale), abundant throughout the south and especially in the Gironde region; Pulvinaria vitis (red scale) and Pseudococcus (Dactylopius) vitis (white scale) foung throughout the Mediterranean basin; Eulecanium (Lecanium) corni, found only in the north; Aulacaspis (Diaspis) pentagona; and the falciferous scale falcifer, Künek. which lives on the roots.
      • 1946: Iowa State College Journal of Science, volume 21, page 400 (Iowa State College Press)Astragalus falciferous Hult.
      • 1975: Polska Akademia Nauk Komitet Geologiczny, Acta Geologica Polonica, volume 25, page 118 (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe)Internal morphology: Dental lamellae short, slightly recurved and close to the valve sides. Teeth broad with crenulation or notch denticle developed. Cardinal plates broad, ventrally convex, merging in inner socket ridges. Crural bases have long dorsal and short ventral ends. Crura broad, falciferous. Low dorsal euseptum developed (Fig. 2).
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